

Legal Representation


 When you are looking for outplacement or just want someone in your corner at your next IEP meeting:  If you are at the point where your child’s education plan is no longer working, you have done everything you can to work with your district or you want someone on your side of the table at your next meeting, you might be ready for legal representation.  With this service, you pay an agreed upon retainer, which is placed in trust, and I will bill hourly against that amount. 

All work is billed at a rate of $375 per hour.  Each month, you will receive an itemized bill showing exactly what I have done and how long it took me.  As your retainer runs out, you will be asked to replenish it, or pay your bills monthly as they occur.


Behind the Scenes Tasks


When you need help behind the scenes or want someone to help you work with your district (but don’t need ongoing help):  I charge flat rates for discrete tasks, such as reviewing IEPs, reviewing evaluations, holding a strategy session for an upcoming PPT, or helping you prepare written documents (parent concerns, letters to school teams, etc.). I can provide a schedule of tasks and costs upon request.


Ongoing Guidance


When you need someone available to answer questions and point you in the right direction:  Think of me as your primary care lawyer.  For a small, nonrefundable monthly fee (so that I can be available and accessible to my clients), you will have a special education lawyer available when you need one.  Do you want to discuss a letter you got from your school district?  Do you want to prepare for a PPT?  Do you want to find a specialist for Social Security Disability or next steps when your child reaches 18, but you don’t know where to start?  My goal for this service is to develop a relationship with you.  I want to get to know you, your child, your challenges and your triumphs.  I want you to have someone you can call when you have a question. 

The monthly fee allows me to set aside time for you each month.  If you need extra help (such as preparing for an upcoming PPT), additional time is billed at a doof my hourly rate for my monthly clients.